1. Introduction
    1. Avatars
    2. Pronouns
    3. Trademark
  2. Technicals
    1. 2025 | Learning electronics design
    2. 2024 | Nouveau on Dell G7 7700
    3. 2023 | Caddy
    4. 2023 | IPv6 on Mikrotik on Starlink
    5. 2022 | Just a bit of wasi
    6. 2021 | Rust crimes: Enum ints
    7. 2020 | Exploration of Wasm
    8. 2018 | A little elegant state machine with Async Generators
  3. Musings
    1. A progression of designs
    2. Gaston Lagaffe
    3. Known Unknowns: a configuration language
    4. On the difficulty of automated unblocking
    5. On Invoking Deities
  4. 3D Models
    1. Wall Plant Pots
    2. Mijia Hang
  5. Recipes
    1. No-effort Dairy Cream
    2. Semi-steamed Pasta
  6. Reading archive
    1. 2016
      1. July
      2. December
    2. 2017
      1. January
      2. February
      3. March
      4. April
      5. May
      6. June
      7. July
      8. August
      9. September
      10. October
      11. November
      12. December
    3. 2018
      1. January
      2. February
      3. March
      4. April
      5. May
      6. June
      7. July
      8. August
      9. September
      10. October
      11. November
      12. December
    4. 2019
      1. January
      2. February
      3. March
      4. April
      5. May
      6. June
      7. July
      8. August
      9. September
      10. October
      11. November
      12. December
    5. 2020
      1. January
      2. February
      3. March—June
      4. July
      5. August—December
    6. 2021
      1. First semester
      2. Second semester
    7. 2022
    8. 2023
    9. 2024
  7. Deprecated content
    1. Blanket license
    2. Cryptographic keys
    3. Outdated
      1. No Time for Chrono
      2. Dhall: not quite it
      3. Modern systems languages
      4. Soft limits and meaningful content cuts
      5. Bruteforcing the Devil
      6. Lighting up Rust with Neon
    4. Unheld
      1. A thought on fanfiction
      2. Identity
        1. This is not a coming out
        2. Guy-Adjacent
        3. My Words
        4. Check all applicable labels
      3. On generative AI for programming Rust
    5. Fiction
      1. Poetry
        1. Only One Left
        2. Mid-loss
        3. Aftermath
        4. one and two
        5. Grow
        6. Slowly
        7. Alya
        8. so many alone at night
        9. Up Up And Away
        10. Sleep
        11. Hold
        12. SIDEBAR
        13. Sorry
        14. Right over there
        15. The Road to Hell
        16. Self
        17. Tree
        18. Unlit
        19. One summer morning
        20. Smile
      2. Short Prose
        1. The Box
        2. A Man
        3. ali.vei.nth.eni.ght
        4. Regulus
          1. (notes for) Regulus
        5. My mountain of Knowledge
        6. Finally, I knew
    6. Progress updates
      1. Topic-wise
        1. Accord
        2. AGILE
        3. Armstrong
        4. Caretaker
        5. Car Rainbow
        6. Certainly
        7. ct
        8. defnew
        9. Earthquake Sky
        10. Figleaf
        11. Glass Hanger
        12. Hashmap Entry Insert
        13. IntPath
        14. Irish
        15. Japanese
        16. Keycasting
        17. Lah Kara
        18. Mead
        19. Notify
        20. Omelette
        21. Pinn
        22. Reasonable
        23. Reupholstering chairs
        24. Sassbot
        25. Spanish
        26. Splash
        27. Storq
        28. Super
        29. Swp
        30. Trebuchet
        31. Watchexec
        32. What
        33. Zarc
      2. 2017-2019 (mostly) regular micro updates
        1. 2016
        2. 2017
          1. January
          2. February
          3. March
          4. April
          5. May
          6. June
          7. July
          8. August
          9. September
          10. October
          11. November
          12. December
        3. 2018
          1. January
          2. March
          3. April
          4. May
          5. September
          6. November
          7. December
        4. 2019
          1. January
          2. February
          3. March
          4. April
          5. September
          6. December